How Floating Improves Cardiovascular Wellness

How Floating Improves Cardiovascular Wellness

Flotation-REST (Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy) may help to improve cardiovascular wellness. While we often

think of floating as a passive activity, research shows that Flotation-REST could offer big benefits for heart health that could

rival anything offered by intense workouts. In a 2022 paper exploring the acute cardiovascular effects of Flotation-REST,

researchers noted the way that the central nervous system (CNS) exerts a strong regulatory influence over the

cardiovascular system in response to environmental demands. Anyone familiar with floating knows that this is an

intervention that reduces stimulation from the surrounding environment like almost nothing else in the world.

New Research on the Benefits of Floating for Cardiovascular Health May Hold the Key to Improved Wellness

While investigating floating’s impact on cardiovascular health, researchers measured acute cardiovascular changes during

Floatation-REST using wireless and waterproof equipment that allowed for concurrent measurement of heart rate, heart rate

variability (HRV), breathing rate, and blood pressure. They found that Floatation-REST created significant decreases in

diastolic blood pressure, systolic blood pressure, breathing rate, and certain HRV metrics. This research is significant

because its findings suggest that Floatation-REST results in “a physical shift to higher vagal modulation through decreased

sympathetic arousal.” It also highlights the way that floating may help to promote wellness by tapping into the body-brain


Research has made it clear that floating provides benefits for focus, creativity, and mood. What’s more, studies focused on

looking at the preventative healthcare benefits of floatation therapy have found that people who utilize floating experience

decreases in stress, depression, anxiety, and pain. They also gain improvements in sleep quality and optimism levels. The

drastic reduction in stress levels that occurs almost immediately with floating therapy is likely linked with newly discovered

cardiovascular benefits.

Stress is extremely damaging to cardiovascular health. According to the American Heart Association, chronic stress is

associated with increased cardiovascular events. What’s more, the American Heart Association shares that imaging work

done on parts of the brain involved with stress and fear reveals links between stress and cardiovascular disease episodes.

The truth is that it’s very hard to come down from a state of chronic stress without some type of mindfulness intervention.

However, most people are unable to break free of the stress state due to the fact that they are constantly inundated with

noises, distractions, and ongoing stressors. A floating session helps to break the cycle of stress by transporting a person to

a completely isolated, distraction-free environment. The role of sensory deprivation in decreasing stress cannot be

overstated. Unlike meditation exercises, yoga sessions, and mantras, floating sessions offer an environment that induces

deep relaxation without any effort.

What Do Floating’s Implications for Cardiovascular Health Mean for the Average Person?

The pace of everyday life leaves many people with a stress hormone called cortisol running through the veins on a nearly

continual basis. Unfortunately, it’s known that high levels of cortisol from long-term stress can increase blood cholesterol,

triglycerides, blood sugar, and blood pressure to leave us vulnerable to cardiovascular illnesses. Floating may be a way to

break the cycle to escape a stress-induced cortisol firestorm that leaves us both physically and emotionally depleted. While

floating should not be viewed as an alternative to diet and exercise when it comes to promoting cardiovascular health, it may

be an important piece of the puzzle that taps into the mind-body connection to promote wellness and longevity. Of course,

the best part of all is that people who utilize float therapy can enjoy all of the known benefits for mood and productivity as

they support their cardiovascular systems.


Dylan Calm