Floater Spotlight With Renata

Floater Spotlight: Renata

Floater Spotlight With Renata

What brought you into the Float Shoppe for the first time?
I was going through a rough divorce and had only floated once before when I came into The Float Shoppe for the first time. A friend shared their float experiences with me, and given the chaos I was experiencing at that time, I was intrigued by the quiet stillness of the tank. After my first experience, I began to read more about the benefits of the float tank and felt that floating often would help give me a much-needed mental break from the noise and stress of everyday life. The Float Shoppe was a short walk from the apartment I had in the Pearl at that time, so I was excited to make my first appointment…and after that first time floating at The Float Shoppe, it immediately became my regular spot for floating. Since then, I have moved to Beaverton, but The Float Shoppe remains my sanctuary for achieving peaceful quiet in this busy existence.

What is your time like in the float tank?
Transcendental Healing. When I first began floating, I would often imagine “Is this how it would feel to be a mermaid???…just floating in the ocean??…and then having the moon fall out of the sky?” The water is still – there is no tide. The tank is dark – there is no light. The water is warm – just like sea water. The tank is comforting – like a womb of safekeeping. In the tank, there is nothing…Nothing but myself and my thoughts. No ex, No child, No boss, No work, No money, No bills, No schedule, No stress. Just me, myself, and I. In the tank, I can’t tell if my eyes are open or shut. I can’t tell if I’m awake or dreaming. I can’t tell where my physical body ends and the soothing water begins. It is a very restorative and healing time for my body and my brain.

Do you experience benefits from floating afterwards?
Most definitely. Not only does my skin retain the moisture of the Epsom salt and stay soft for several days afterwards, but the tank is also a meditative space that allows my busy thoughts to dissolve into the ether. I carry the benefits of floating for days and weeks afterwards. The more I float, I am finding that I can reach into myself for those benefits at will, whenever I need to release those particular thoughts, feelings, or sensations. When I leave the tank, I leave it with a renewed focus and sense of calm. The tank gives me a confidence in myself – I spend the float time searching in my heart for truth, but when I leave, I realize that truth is already in my heart.

Which is your favorite tank?
Tranquility. The soft, underwater lights are calming, and I like having the option to display starlight on the ceiling. The alert at the end of the session is similar to waking naturally from the sunshine’s morning light.

What can we do to improve your experience at the Float Shoppe?
I’m very pleased with every experience I’ve had at The Float Shoppe; Every time I visit, I am warmly welcomed into the quiet space and offered water or tea. I love the selection of gifts, rotating artwork, books…and – of course – the Ashiyu foot bath.

Anything else?
The staff at The Float Shoppe are amazing! It feels like an extended family, and I am grateful to have this Shoppe and these human beings in my life. Thank you for asking my feedback – I feel like I could go on forever about my experiences and the benefits I’ve reaped from floating. Thank you guys for being awesome!


Sandra Calm